Urulaikizhangu Puli Thokku Recipe -South Indian Style Potatoes with Tamarind by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • To begin making Urulaikizhangu Puli Thokku Recipe, wash and boil the potatoes using a pressure cooker for 2 whistles. The potatoes should be cooked yet firm.

  • Once cooked, peel the skin of the potatoes, cut it into cubes and keep aside.

  • Heat oil in a kadai on medium heat, add the mustard seeds and chana dal and let it crackle.

  • Add the asafoetida, curry leaves and dried red chilli and let it splutter.

  • Add the tamarind paste and the spice powders – red chilli, coriander and sambar powder.

  • Add a 1/4 cup of water and let the mixture boil for a few minutes until the raw smell of the tamarind goes away.

  • Once it comes to a paste consistency, add the boiled potatoes, season with salt and toss the potatoes well in the tamarind spice mix.

  • Let the Urulaikizhangu Puli Thokku simmer for 10 minutes until it becomes a little dry and turn off the heat. Check the taste and adjust the salt and chillies accordingly.  Transfer the Urulaikizhangu Puli Thokku to a serving bowl. 

  • Serve the Urulaikizhangu Puli Thokku Recipe along with steamed rice, Thakkali Vengayam Sambar recipe, Beets, Garlic, Lemon rasam, Carrots and Beans Poriyal and Papads as a part of your elaborate weekend brunch menu.

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