To begin making the Soya Munchurian Gravy Recipe, in a mixing bowl add sauces all together and mix well and keep aside.
Soak the soya balls in 1/2 cup of water so that it becomes soft.
Heat a wok, drizzle oil and add garlic and ginger and saute till they become soft. Add in chopped spring onions and saute for few seconds.
Add onions and green bell peppers and saute till they turn translucent.
Add green chillies and saute till they are a bit tender and they impart the pungency into the recipe.
Add in the mixed sauce mixture into the wok and cook till it thickens.
Now add squeeze out all the water from the soya and add into the gravy and toss well till it is well coated into the manchurian gravy.
Cook further for 5-7 minutes in low heat, stirring in between to help keep the upper layer moist. Check for salt and seasoning. Adjust if required.
Turn off the heat, and garnish with chopped spring onions and serve hot.
Serve the Soya Manchurian Gravy Recipe along with Fried rice or Vegetarian Hakka Noodles that goes really well with it to make it a complete meal.
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