Quickest, Softest Eggless Chocolate Cake | Fluffiest Chocolate Cake in JUST 6 minutes #SHORTS

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Chocolate cake in just 6 minutes? YES, please !
this is honestly the SOFTEST chocolate cake ever and so quick to put together! You just need to transfer the batter into a micro safe dish and cook it in the microwave for 6 minutes ( may take slightly longer or shorter depending on the power of your micro)
For this recipe you need to cook the cake on the regular heating mode- what you’d use to re-heat your food!
#Chocolate #Cake #Eggless

Ingredients –

* ¾ cup vegetable oil
* 1 + ¼ cup super fine sugar
* 1 cup yogurt ( homemade dahi works)
* 1+ ½ cup maida
* ¾ cup cocoa powder
* 1 tsp baking powder
* ½ tsp baking soda
* ¼ cup milk

1. For Chocolate Ganache –
2. For Mixing Bowl –
3. For Microwave Safe Dish –


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