To begin making the Pineapple Paneer Tikka Tawa Pizza Recipe, get ready with all the ingredients and make the dough first.
Mix flour, salt, sugar, and yeast into a mixing bowl. Slowly add the milk and water and start making a dough. Eventually, you will get a sticky dough, after about 5 minutes.
Now grease your hands with some oil and on a flat surface, start kneading the dough. Kneading is important as it will develop the gluten to make the base soft and palpable.
Once the dough comes together in a round and smooth ball, cover and let it rest in a deep dish someplace warm.
Place the dough into the mixing bowl itself and cover it with a damp cloth. Place the bowl in a warm place. After 90 minutes, the dough will be doubled. If not, wait for another 30 minutes.
We will move ahead to make the tikka masala. Combine the yogurt and gram flour making a smooth paste. Using a pestle and mortar, pound the ginger, garlic, and kasuri methi leaves to make a coarse paste.
Add in the fennel seeds and ajwain and pound until blended. Add this to the yogurt mixture. Add in the remaining marinade ingredients into the yogurt mixture and stir to combine well.
Place the paneer cubes in a large bowl, add in the tikka masala and allow it to rest covered for about half an hour to one hour or even overnight.
Heat a skillet with oil, add the marinated paneer cubes and cook on either side by flipping at regular intervals so that it evenly get cooked.
Once the paneer is cooked, you can clean the same pan and add some more oil and saute the bell peppers and pineapple for 5 minutes so that it gets cooked.
Now to prepare the dish for Pineapple Paneer Tikka Tawa Pizza. Oil a flat skillet or a tawa generously and put about 1 tablespoon semolina and rotate the pan to cover the base and edges.
Punch the dough down and knead again for about half a minute. Make 3 balls of equal size.
Oil your hands and start flattening one of the balls and pulling it in the round and place it in the center of the pan. Now use your fingers to push through the edges and evening out each pizza base.
Poke the base using a fork, so that it gets cooked evenly. Cook the base on slow heat for about 10 minutes
After 10 minutes, spread pizza sauce on top, evenly spread over the base. Top pizza base with pineapple, paneer tikka and bell peppers and sprinkle the grated mozzarella on top.
Cover the Pineapple Paneer Tikka Tawa Pizza with a lid, and cook till the cheese melts and when lift the base slowly it has to lightly brown.
Switch off the heat and shift the Pineapple Paneer Tikka Tawa Pizza to a serving plate and cut using the pizza cutter and serve hot.
Serve the Pineapple Paneer Tikka Pizza Recipe along withWhite Bean Salad with Onions and Bell peppers and Eggless Mango Mousse Recipe to make it a delicious weekend dinner.
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