Mint Vegetables Moilee Recipe (Mixed Vegetables Cooked In Minty Coconut Milk) by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • To begin making the Mint Vegetables Moilee recipe, scrape the coconut and extract the thick and thin coconut milk and keep aside.

  • Heat oil in a wok/kadhai, once heated add the mustard seeds and let it splutter.

  • Add the curry leaves and the thinly sliced onions and sauté till it gets translucent.

  • Add the ginger and the sliced garlic pods and cook until the raw smell evaporates.

  • Add the cubes vegetables, pepper powder and turmeric powder, and sauté for a minute.

  • Add the thin coconut milk and let the vegetables cook with the lid on. This will take 5 to 6 minutes.

  • Add the chopped tomatoes and let it cook for a minute.

  • Once the vegetables are cooked, add the thick coconut milk and the mint paste and heat it for 2 minutes.

  • Make sure you don’t bring this mix to a boil at this stage else the coconut milk the curdle.

  • Switch off the flame, season with salt and add the lemon juice.

  • Serve the Mint Vegetables Moilee Recipe with Appams or Idiyappams or Steamed Rice for Sunday brunch.

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