Lobster Salad

The Culinistas

The Culinistas’ take on a classic lobster salad is ideal warm-weather fare: simple, light, and flavorful. Because of the lobsters’ starring role, freshness is key; you’ll want to buy live ones if they’re available. For extra flavor, add tarragon to the lobster-poaching liquid.

1. In a small saucepan over medium heat, bring the vinegar, ¼ teaspoon cayenne, onion powder, finishing pepper, and 2 tablespoons water to a boil; pour over the tomatoes. Let cool, then strain. Reserve both the tomatoes and the liquid.

2. In a very large pot of boiling salted water, bring the sliced lemon, remaining ¼ teaspoon cayenne, allspice, and peppercorns to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

3. Add the lobster and poach until cooked, about 10 minutes. Remove, cool, and break down the lobster into chunks.

4. Mix the marinated tomatoes, 2 tablespoons julienned lemon peel, poached lobster, cucumber, and tarragon.

5. Whisk the oil with the reserved pickling liquid, then salt and pepper to taste. Dress the salad to taste.

6. Transfer to a shallow bowl and garnish with tarragon.