To begin making the Haryanvi Saag Gosht recipe, grind onion, dry red chilli, green chili, garlic and ginger together to make a smooth paste. Blanch the spinach and grind it to turn it into a paste.
Heat up oil in a pan and add mustard into it. Once it starts crackling then add cumin seeds into the pan and let it splutter as well.
Now add the spice paste in pan, cook it for 5 minutes. Next add the coriander powder, cumin powder, turmeric powder, red chillies, salt and chicken pieces and mix everything well. Cook for 4-5 minutes.
Next add chopped tomatoes and spinach paste & stir and cook it till you can see oil on the sides.
Add some water to & cook it till the chicken becomes tender. Serve it hot.
Serve Haryanvi Saag Gosht along with Tawa Paratha and Jeera Rice for your weekend meal.
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