Goan Style Tonak Alsanyache Recipe (Black eyed beans cooked in Tonak Masala Recipe) by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • To begin making the Goan Style Tonak  Alsanyache Recipe  soak the black eyed peas in water for at least 2 hours.

  • Heat a sautéing pan with oil, add coriander seeds, dry red chillies, cinnamon, cardamom, peppercorns, cloves and cumin seeds. Fry until the aroma is released for about 10 seconds.

  • Add the chopped onions, garlic, green chilies and sauté until the onion turn translucent. Add freshly grated coconut and sauté until the mixture turns golden brown.

  • Switch off the heat, allow the mixture to rest. Add the sautéed mixture in a mixer with water to a smooth paste.

  • Heat a pressure cooker, add the ground paste, soaked legumes, turmeric powder, and salt and mix well.

  • Add about 1/2 cup water and pressure cook the curry for about 3 whistle. Allow the pressure to release naturally and serve.

  • Serve the Goan Style Tonak Alsanyache Recipe along with hot Pavs or Phulka along with a goan fish fry to enjoy your Sunday meal.

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