To begin making the Dum Ka Murgh recipe, wash and strain the chicken nicely. In a mixing bowl, add chicken with all the ingredients mentioned under Marinade.
Mix well and cling wrap the bowl, refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours.
In a heavy bottomed pan, heat oil and add all the whole spices and let them crackle.
Now add finely chopped or ground onion and saute till raw smell goes off.
Add ginger garlic paste and fry everything till golden in colour.
Now add the marinated chicken along with the curd mix and turn the flames high so that the curd leaves water.
Once the curd starts reducing, turn the flame low and let the chicken cook with lid covered. This may take 20-30 minutes.
Meanwhile take soaked poppy seeds and blanched cashews in a grinder jar and grind to make a smooth and fine paste.
Once the chicken is slow cooked, add the cashew and poppy paste and mix nicely.
Adjust salt and add little water to make a thick curry. Cover the lid and let the chicken cook for another 7 to 8 minutes.
Turn off the gas and garnish the Lagan ka Murgh with broken cashew chunks and fresh coriander.
Garnished with cashews chunks and coriander, Dum ka Murgh goes best when served with Roomali Roti, Mandey or Butter Naan.
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