Turmeric Amla Ginger Juice – Indonesian Jamu Recipe

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  • To begin making the Indonesian Jamu recipe, first it is important to understand how to prep the ingredients. Using a food processor helps to really simplify the process of grating and juicing. 

  • Prefer not using the juicer, as much of the pulp gets wasted, instead use the blender to make a fine puree.

  • First grate the turmeric, ginger and amla using a hand grater or food processor.

  • If you don’t have a food processor for grating, then simply chop the turmeric ginger and amla into tiny pieces and process as below to grind it.

  • Add the grated turmeric, ginger and amla into the tall jar of the mixer grinder. Add one cup of water and blend to make a smooth paste. You might have to do it in two batches if the jar is not large enough to grind all of them in one turn.

  • Using a strainer, press and strain out all the juice from the pulp.

  • Place the pulp back into the blender jar, add more water and blend again for a few spins. Strain and extract more juice from the pulp.

  • Do this another two or three times, by blending the pulp along with more water. This ensures we have taken out the maximum juice and potency from the turmeric, ginger and amla.

  • You will approximately use 800 ml to 1 liter of water and get approximately 1 liter of juice. 

  • The juice extracted will be of the right potency to consume. You will not have to dilute more to drink the Indonesian Jamu.

  • Once you have extracted all the potent juice from the pulp, discard the pulp and keep the juice in a large container.

  • Stir in the honey and black pepper powder until well combined. Give the Indonesian Jamu a taste and adjust accordingly.

  • Store the Jamu in glass bottles in the refrigerator for upto a week.

  • Serve the chilled Indonesian Jamu in shot glasses (approximately 30 to 40 ml) at any time of the day.

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