Ribbon Pakoda Recipe – South Indian Tea Time Snack by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • To begin making the Ribbon Pakoda recipe, combine all the ingredients listed above except water, until you get coarse crumbs. Gradually add water to make a stiff yet smooth dough.

  • Grease the Sev Press or the Sev Sancha with oil and place the plate with many thin strips into the press.

  • Heat oil in a frying pan, until hot, on medium heat. Deep frying on high heat will brown the pakoda quickly and not crisp  it. Fill in the ribbon pakoda dough into the press.

  • Press out thin strips of the the ribbon pakoda dough into the hot oil. Only press in enough to cover the oil pan.

  • These ribbons cook and turns dark quickly. So gently turn the pressed ribbons to fry the other side on medium heat. Once the ribbon pakoda starts to turn golden, using a slotted spoon drain excess oil out and transfer the ribbon pakodas on a plate with an oil absorbent paper to cool completely. 

  • Press the remaining batches of the ribbon pakoda dough in the similar manner.

  • Cool the Ribbon Pakodas and store them airtight containers.

  • Serve Ribbon Pakoda  as an evening snack with a hot cup of  Masala Chai.

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