Patta Gobi Sabzi Recipe – Cabbage Tomato Sabzi by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • To begin making the Patta Gobi Sabzi Recipe prepare all the ingredients and keep them ready.

  • Heat oil in the pressure cooker; add in the mustard seeds and cumin seeds and allow them to crackle. Once they crackle, add in green chillies, the tomatoes and saute the tomato until slightly softened.

  • Once the tomatoes are slightly softened, add in the turmeric powder, salt, coriander powder, red chilli powder, bay leaf and give it a stir. Stir in the cabbage and add a tablespoon of water into the cooker.

  • Cover the pressure cooker cook for 3 to 4 whistles and turn off the heat.

  • Release the pressure immediately by running it under cold water or releasing it with a fork placed under the whistle. 

  • Once the pressure is released, stir in the chopped coriander leaves, check the salt, the spice levels and the Patta Gobi Sabzi is ready to be served.

  • If you are using a saucepan method to cook, then keep the pan covered and cook until the Patta Gobi Sabzi is soft and you have the texture that you desire.

  • Serve the Patta Gobi Sabzi along with Thepla and Gujarati Dal to make a wholesome meal.

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