Mushroom filled Vol-au-Vent Recipe by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • We begin making the Mushroom filled Vol-au-Vent Recipe by making the shape of the vol-au-vent first. So in order to do that keep your puff pastry ready (Click on the link to see how to make the puff pastry).

  • Pre-heat the oven at 200 degree Celsius for 15 minutes and keep it ready.

  • Roll the dough to 1-centimeter thickness, then using a small circular cookie cutter, cut the puff pastry dough into circles. Make extra circles to make the ring for vol-au-vent shapes.

  • Using one smaller circular cutter to make a ring shape with the extra circles. Place these ring on the circular-shaped dough, seal it using milk.

  • Refrigerate for 10 minutes, and brush some milk on the vol-au-vent and bake it for 15 minutes.

  • In the meantime heat a nonstick pan with oil, add the chopped garlic and mushroom and sauté till all the water is evaporated.

  • Then season it with thyme, chili flakes, salt and pepper. Once done add the cream and give it a stir.

  • Take out the vol-au-vent from the oven and grease honey using a pastry brush and keep it in the oven for 3 more minutes to give it a brown crust.

  • Once done take out the vol-au-vent and rest it outside for 2 minutes and using a spoon, spoon the mushroom mixture in the center.

  • Serve the Mushroom filled Vol-au-Vent Recipe as party appetizers for a festive occasion.

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