Coorg Style Kumbala Curry Recipe (Pumpkin Sabzi) by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • To begin making Coorg Kumbala Curry Recipe (Pumpkin Sabzi), Scoop out the seeds from the pumpkin and dice it into cubes . Retain the skin 

  • Add turmeric,salt and Place the pumpkin in a pan and pour around 2 cups of water, to immerse pumpkins completely. Cook on a medium heat, covered.

  • Meanwhile in a grinder, grind the ingredients mentioned to be ground- to a smooth paste. Add a little water to grind along.

  • Once pumpkin in the pan is almost cooked, add the ground masala and mix. Simmer for another 3 mins. Remove from heat.

  • Prepare the tempering by heating oil in a small pan. Once the oil is hot, add the mustard seeds on a medium heat.

  • When they splutter, add the curry leaves, dried red chilies and garlic, stir till garlic is done, and pour the tadka over the pumpkin curry.

  • Serve Coorg Kumbala Curry Recipe (Pumpkin Sabzi) with Akki Rotti Recipe (Spicy Gluten Free Rice Flour Flat Breads ) and steamed rice.

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