Chilli Cheese Mushroom Momo Recipe by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • Heat a pan with oil over medium heat; add ginger, garlic, onion that are finely chopped and saute till they soften.

  • Add in mushrooms, green chillies, turn the heat to high saute till the mushrooms are cooked and the water is evaporated.

  • Once the mushroom is cooked, you can add in black pepper powder, spring onions and salt and give it a toss.

  • Turn off the heat and allow the mushroom mixture to cool down completely.

  • Once cooled, add grated cheese and mix well. Allow the Chilli Cheese Mushroom Momo mixture to cool down for few minutes. 

  • *To assemble the Chilli Cheese Mushroom Momo Recipe

  • Take a bamboo dimsum steamer, or the regular idli steamer and fill it with water and heat it over a medium heat.

  • Divide the dough into equal portions, to the size of a lemon.

  • Take each ball and start rolling it out on a surface. Roll out the dough as thin so that the outer layer of the momo is thin and delicate.

  • In every flatten dough leaf, add 1 tablespoon of the Chilli Cheese Mushroom filling and fold the edges to semicircles and start pleating to give a nice characteristic pleats.

  • Do the same with all the rest of the dough and filling. Place the completed Chilli Cheese Mushroom Momos under a moist cloth to prevent drying.

  • Grease the steamer with oil before placing momo from prevent sticking.

  • If using traditional steamer it has own boiler or if using bamboo steamer then boil water in a shallow pan and when water start boiling put momo filled bamboo steamer on it. Steam the Chilli Cheese Mushroom Momo for 10 – 15 minutes until you get a shine on the momo.

  • Serve the Chilli Cheese Mushroom Momo Recipe as a starter along with Chilli Baby Corn for a indo chinese party at home.

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