Bulgur Wheat Stuffed Mini Pepper Recipe by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • To prepare the Bulgur Wheat Stuffed peppers, first cook the bulgur wheat in boiling water as instructed in the the package. Once cooked and soft drain in a colander and set aside. 

  • Now prepare the peppers for stuffing by carefully removing the green stem part, slitting each one through the middle, dividing into two equal portions. Remove the seeds and set aside while you prepare the filling for the stuffed peppers.

  • Heat a stir fry pan over medium heat. Add the whole coriander seeds, peanuts, cumin, and red chili. Dry roast them for few minutes or till pleasant aroma of spices is released. Transfer to a bowl. Once cooled, grind them to a powder in the mixer.

  • In the same pan, heat olive oil, add the chopped onion and garlic. Saute till they turn soft and light brown in color. 

  • Now, add the spice powder mixture, stir to combine and saute for few seconds. Add cooked bulgur wheat, lemon juice, salt to taste.

  • Stir to combine and turn off the heat. Check the salt and seasonings and adjust to suit your taste

  • Now, preheat the oven at 190 degree C. Grease a baking sheet with little olive oil. 

  • Spoon equal amounts of the stuffing into each half of the peppers. Arrange the stuffed peppers on the baking tray. Bake for 20 minutes or until the peppers are nicely roasted and cooked. Alternatively, stuffed peppers can be roasted in the grill pan as well. 

  • Serve Bulgur Wheat Stuffed Mini Peppers as an appetizer with Vegetable Au Gratin with Cauliflower Carrots and Beans or as a tea time snack.

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