Homemade Pizza Sauce Recipe by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • To begin with Homemade Pizza Sauce, heat olive oil in a large saucepan and add crushed garlic followed by finely chopped onions, carrots and celery giving a minute in between each addition.

  • Saute them all together until the onions are translucent. At this stage, add the chopped tomatoes and allow the whole thing to cook until the tomatoes get soft.

  • Cover the pan with a lid while doing so as the tomatoes could splutter. Add tomato puree in between. This renders the sauce the ting of colour. Add some sugar to counter the acidic flavour.

  • When the tomatoes are relatively soft, the skin begins to peel, turn off the flame and add basil leaves along with the stalk and set it aside to cool.

  • Puree them all together, season with oregano, salt and pepper as needed in a mixer.

  • Store them away in an airtight container into the fridge. It remains fresh for a week.

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