Pasta Salad Recipe Summer Vegetable Lettuce & Croutons by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • To begin making the Pasta Salad Recipe with Summer Vegetable Lettuce & Croutons, first prepare croutons by preheating the oven at 125 degree centigrade, cut each slice of bread into 9 pieces.

  • Finely chop the celery and blend with olive oil, salt and chilly flakes.

  • Pour this over the chopped bread and toss well to evenly coat all pieces.

  • Put in the oven at the lowest setting, tossing occasionally till crisp. (approx 30 min)

  • Boil Pasta till al dente. Once done, cool the pasta under running water and keep aside.

  • Chop all vegetables, cheese and olives into bite size pieces.

  • If veggies are just bought, wash them in ice cold water to make them crisp.

  • Put all dressing ingredients for the dressing in a small bottle and shake vigorously to make a homogeneous mix. You can also whisk with a fork to get the same consistency.

  • Once all the components for the salad are ready, toss the pasta and vegetables with the salad dressing.

  • Top with croutons, crushed walnuts and serve.

  • Serve the Pasta Salad Recipe with Summer Vegetable Lettuce & Croutons along with Spaghetti Bolognese Recipe for a weeknight dinner. 

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