To begin making the Pasta Salad Recipe with Summer Vegetable Lettuce & Croutons, first prepare croutons by preheating the oven at 125 degree centigrade, cut each slice of bread into 9 pieces.
Finely chop the celery and blend with olive oil, salt and chilly flakes.
Pour this over the chopped bread and toss well to evenly coat all pieces.
Put in the oven at the lowest setting, tossing occasionally till crisp. (approx 30 min)
Boil Pasta till al dente. Once done, cool the pasta under running water and keep aside.
Chop all vegetables, cheese and olives into bite size pieces.
If veggies are just bought, wash them in ice cold water to make them crisp.
Put all dressing ingredients for the dressing in a small bottle and shake vigorously to make a homogeneous mix. You can also whisk with a fork to get the same consistency.
Once all the components for the salad are ready, toss the pasta and vegetables with the salad dressing.
Top with croutons, crushed walnuts and serve.
Serve the Pasta Salad Recipe with Summer Vegetable Lettuce & Croutons along with Spaghetti Bolognese Recipe for a weeknight dinner.
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