Mutton Khurdi Recipe – Bohra Style White Mutton Soup by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • To begin making the Mutton Khurdi Recipe, we will first cook the mutton. 

  • In a pressure cooker, combine the mutton, onion, bay leaves, green chillies, ginger, garlic, salt, water. 

  • Pressure cook for three whistles and turn off the flame.  Allow the pressure to release naturally.

  • In a kadai, heat oil on medium flame, once the oil is hot, add the whole spices- cumin seeds, peppercorns, cinnamon, cloves.

  • Once the spices begin to sizzle, add the whole wheat flour and mix well along with the oil and spices. 

  • To the kadai add the milk, whisking continuously, ensuring no lumps are formed and allow the bhora soup to thicken.

  • Once it thickens, add salt and pepper, and mutton and all the contents of the pressure cooker into the kadai.  Give the Mutton Khurdi/ Bohra Style White Mutton Soup a brisk boil for 3 to 4 minutes until all the flavours get into the mutton.

  • Once done, turn off the heat, check the salt and seasonings and adjust to suit your taste.

  • Serve the Mutton Khurdi/ Bohra Style White Mutton Soup hot along with some mint leaves and lemon wedges. 

  • Serve this lip smacking Mutton Khurdi Recipe over a weekend meal along with Kalmi Kabab Recipe – Mughlai Style Chicken Tangdi Kebab and Prawns Biryani Recipe followed by a dessert of Rose Flavoured Shahi Tukda Recipe

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