Next we will proceed to make the Thai Curry with this paste. Heat a teaspoon of oil in a heavy wok. Add in the vegetables. sprinkle in some salt and stir fry the vegetables on high heat until slightly tender. Once tender turn off the heat and keep aside.
Add a teaspoon of oil into the hot wok, next add in 2 to 3 tablespoons of the thai curry paste and saute for a few seconds in the oil. Next add in a cup of water, the tamarind water and stir to combine into the curry.
Next we will add in a tablespoon of brown sugar and finally 200 ml of the Dabur coconut milk.
Stir to combine all the ingredients. Once combined, add in the salt, stir and allow the mixture to come to a thicken a little and come to a boil
Once the mixture comes to a boil, add in the torn basil leaves and the stir fried vegetables. Stir the mixture, give it a light boil and the thai curry is ready to be served.
Place a cup of steamed rice in a serving bowl. Pour the freshly cooked hot thai vegetarian thai curry on top of the rice until the rice soaks well into the curry and there is enough gravy to soup out and serve immediately to get the best flavors.
Serve the Sweet Spicy & Tangy Vegetarian Thai Green Curry along with hot steamed Thai Jasmine Sticky Rice for a simple easy weeknight dinner or even when you have friends over for parties.
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