To begin making Masala Jowar Bhakri Recipe, in a large mixing bowl, add the jowar flour, salt and mix well.
Add the chopped onions, green chillies, coriander leaves, and curry leaves to the bowl and mix well.
Pour warm water little by little to make a smooth and soft dough. Divide the dough into equal size balls.
Grease a tava with oil and heat.
Take one ball and place it on the greased tava.
Wet your fingers and spread the dough to make a bhakri.
Place the tawa on medium heat and drizzle oil on the sides of the bhakri.
Once the bhakri starts to brown on the sides, flip them.You can cover and cook the other side for another 2-3 minutes.
Remove the bhakri from the tawa and hold the back of the tawa under running water to cool it down.
Once the tava is cool, grease and repeat the above process for the remaining dough.
Healthy, nutritious and wholesome Masala Jowar Bhakri is ready to be served.
Serve with Hurali Kalu Chutney Recipe, Paruppu Thogayal Recipe or a tangy gravy like Senai Kizhangu Ghostu Recipe.
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