To begin making the Eggless Spicy Spinach Bread recipe, heat 1 tablespoon oil in a wide pan. Add garlic, chillies and cook it for about a minute. Do not burn it.
After a minute, add onion and cook until it changes to light brown colour. Add spinach and about 1/2 teaspoon salt. Cook it till the spinach is wilted. Switch off the flame and cool it down completely.
Preheat the oven to 175 degree Celsius. Add 1/2 cup oil, milk and curd in a mixing bowl.
In an another mixing bowl, add flour, baking powder and salt. Once done add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients.
Mix everything well and add the onion mixture and give it a stir till well incorporated.
Place the mixture it in a greased loaf tin. Smooth the surface with a spoon and drizzle the remaining 1 tablespoon oil and sprinkle the sesame seeds over it.
Bake the bread for about 50 minutes or until the skewer inserted comes out clean.
Cool it on a wire rack before slicing and it is ready to be served.
Serve Eggless Spicy Spinach Bread with Spinach Omelette and Cold Coffee Smoothie for a healthy and filling breakfast.
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