Creamy Alfredo Cauliflower Pasta Recipe by Archana’s Kitchen

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  • To begin making the Creamy Alfredo Cauliflower Pasta Recipe, we will first boil the pasta, for that keep a saucepan filled with enough water. Add salt and pasta and bring it to boil.

  • Boil for at least 10-15 minutes until the pasta is just cooked and you are able to bite into them.

  • Strain the water and wash the pasta over cold water and drizzle some olive oil and place it aside.

  • Heat another saucepan with some more water, add salt and add medium sized cauliflower florets. Bring it to boil and cook for at least 25 minutes.

  • Strain the water, make sure keep aside some of the water and allow the cauliflower to cool it down.

  • Heat a sauce pan with butter, add chopped garlic and saute until they turn golden brown. Add this to a mixer along with the boiled cauliflower and the water that was kept aside.

  • Blitz it to form a smooth paste. Pour this over a saucepan and add milk, salt and mix well.

  • Heat a skillet with olive oil, add butter and add garlic and saute until it softens,add cauliflower sauce and bring it to a boil. Add cooked pasta and the rest of seasonings (rosemary, red chilli flakes) and check for salt.

  • To serve the Creamy Alfredo Cauliflower Pasta Recipe, serve it over a pasta bowl, garnish it with basil leaves or chopped parsley.

  • Serve the Creamy Alfredo Cauliflower Pasta Recipe along with garlic bread, Sweet Potato & Green Bean Salad Recipe by the side to enjoy your meal.

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