To begin making the Bajri-Til Bhakri, first sift the bajra flour and salt together in a deep mixing bowl.
Knead the dough well with 1/4 cup of lukewarm water at a time, until it comes together in a smooth ball. The dough will be similar to what we prepare for Makke Ki Roti.
Grease the dough with ghee, cover with a muslin cloth and let rest for 10 minutes.
Meanwhile heat tawa over medium heat. Dust your rolling surface with little whole wheat flour.
Divide the dough into 6 – 8 equal portions and roll out a portion of the dough into a round and thick roti using your hands. You can shape the roti by pressing out a circle with your fingers as well.
Place the roti over the pre-heated skillet and spread a little water on the surface of the bhakri.
Now sprinkle some sesame seeds on the surface and press lightly with a flat spatula, so that the seeds stick to the upper part of the roti.
Turn over the roti and cook the other side for a few more seconds.
Lift the roti tongs and roast over the direct flame till brown spots appear on both the sides.
Similarly, prepare the remaining Bajri-til Bhakri and serve it with a dollop of ghee and Bhogichi Bhaji.
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